My note when previewing abstract algebra.
Chapter 7: Introduction to Cryptography
- Plaintext (明文)
- Ciphertext (密文)
- Cryptosystem or Cipher (密码)
- Encryption and Decryption (加密&解密)
- Key (密钥)
Private Key Cryptography
Private Key Cryptography (单钥/私钥加密)
The same key is used for both encrypting and decrypting messages
Monoalphabetic Cryptosystems (单字母密码系统/移位码)
A character in the enciphered message represents exactly one character in the original message.
Simple Shift Code (简单移位码)
$$f(p)=p+b\textrm{ mod } 26$$
Affine Cryptosystem (仿射密码系统)
$$f(p) = ap+b\textrm{ mod } 26$$- Polyalphabetic Cryptosystem (多字母密码系统)
A ciphertext letter could represent more than one plaintext letter
$\mathrm{A}\in\mathrm{M}_{2\times 2}$:
Public Key Cryptography
The RSA Cryptosystem
RSA Cryptosystem
- Find BIG primes $p$ and $q$
- $n=pq$ and $m=(p-1)(q-1)=\phi(n)$
- $\textrm{gcd}(E,m)=1$ for randomly selected $E$
- Find $D$ using Euclidean Algorithm that $DE\equiv 1(\textrm{mod }m)$
- $n$ and $E$ are public
RSA Encryption & Decryption
- Message is encoded and splitted into $x<n$
- Encrypted message is $y=x^E$
- Decrypted message is $x=y^D\textrm{ mod }n$
Message Verification
- How it work
- Alice: $(n,E,D)$
- Bob: $(n’,E’,D’)$
- $x’=x^{D’}\textrm{ mod }n’$
- A message that anyone can decrypt by encrypting it with $E’$
- Can only be generated by Bob
- $y’=x’^{E}\textrm{ mod }n$
- A message only Alice can decrypt
- The message to be sent to Alice
- Alice can read it with Bob’s Public key, and be sure of that it is sent by Bob